Thursday, May 25, 2006

Being a forum goddess :)

Set up a phpbb bulletin board for the LIS student body this afternoon, as there was no such thing for us before. I have to say, having admin privileges is funnnn. :) Though of course I vow to use my powers only for good...reserving the right to disemvowel trolls.

In a stunning example of synchronicity (no, I had no idea they were going to do this), the student council unveiled its new site, which includes a few message boards, precisely one hour after I sent out the email announcing my forum. (Ha, beat you to it! :) ) It's nice that they incorporated boards, but I do like the phpbb setup a lot better for discussions than whatever software the student council is using (bears an amazing resemblance to our departmental intranet, coincidentally enough). Of course, this is just my opinion...but I'm right. :)

It's good the student council has a site now, though. (Did they have one before, and I forgot or never knew?)


Blogger Unknown said...

student council did have a website, but it was put on the intranet almost 2 years ago - stupid decision if I do say so. (I was on council)

Is the new site on the internet or still hidden away?

3:39 PM  
Blogger Lauralee said...

It's on the intranet. I am not quite sure how one gets there from the main intranet page, though...oh, you have to click on "Organizations," which obviously I never do. My bad. :)

4:03 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

Hey Lauralee,

I knew the student council site was underway but it was still funny how close they were to each other when being announced.

I've actually found a few UWO resources all over the place - a board at LiveJournal, a mostly abandoned MSN group, the former Student Council site which is still active (they should put a redirect there) and maybe 1-2 others I'm forgetting.

I don't mind the new student council site and like the type information they have included. But I really don't like that it's on the intranet or that it's a sharepoint.

I haven't posted on yours but we need to figure out a way to get it critical mass so that it is *the* resource for MLIS students, past, present and future.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Lauralee said...

I've seen the LiveJournal community; it doesn't get much traffic either...

Critical mass, heh. Well, there are more registered users trickling in, slowly but surely, and probably more lurkers...maybe one of these days (almost) half the posts there won't be mine? :)

7:42 AM  
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